
Along with our concern for the COVID-19 threat to family, friends, neighbors and ourselves, the coronavirus has literally altered how we approach and live each day. Adding to our stress are the loss of jobs daily and business shutdowns. Unemployment claims are reaching record numbers.

With that in mind, I am sharing below a sample exercise that I utilize when conducting individual sessions and business and group workshops in personal branding and story creation. Describing your personal brand and writing your story can help to clearly and efficiently communicate your assets and qualities for presenting yourself on online interviews, your online profile, employment applications and resume.  

Thinking about replacing income and what’s next is an additional burden none of us wants right now. But at the same time, it may be worthwhile to assess who you are to position and distinguish yourself in what looks to be a competitive job market as employers begin hiring.

For some it will be a return to the job they had.  Others may not have an employer to return to as some businesses may not survive or are reallocating their resources for a new direction.  Maybe it is a change in career and industry that you have been contemplating for a while or you are evaluating the move to self-employment. 

A few self-exploratory questions to help you to clarify your direction and to begin writing your story:

  1. What is your mission? Job focus? Career objective?
  2. What are your values and operating principles that you will not compromise?
  3. What are your competencies and skill-sets?
  4. What examples represent the impact that your skills offer?
  5. Describe your prospective employer target? What are their needs? What solutions do you offer and what can you help them solve? 
  6. Why would an employer hire you? 
  7. What makes you memorable? What distinguishes you from the competition? How are you unique?
  8. How would your network (customers, co-workers, friends) describe you? 
  9. Who do you currently admire and what qualities do you want people to associate with you?